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A year from now Oyster Harbors will have 'old looking' (not shiny) brand new roads built to last, says OHPOA President Bill O'Keeffe.

Oyster Harbors Roadway Rehabilitation Project

Rehabilitation & Reconstruction Program

Coler & Colantonio, Inc. reviewed the results of the data evaluation and explored several reconstruction alternatives to determine the most appropriate solutions to the to the roadway and drainage deficiencies encountered on the island's roadways. The alternatives that were considered ranges from not performing any improvements to complete replacement of hte existing roadways and sub-base structure. Based on the conditions of the roadways and sub-base on the island, it was determined that the no improvements needed alternative and structural overlay alternative should be avoided except on small isolated streets in fair to better condition. The overlay will improve surface conditions, but it will not resolve subsurface deficiencies. The roadways have exceeded their usable life, os patching the roadways is not a cost effective solution. Since the pavement thickness is so thin, the cold plane and overlay alternative is not an option. This technique involves removing the surface layer of the pavement and replacing only the wearing course. Drainage improvements will eliminate standing water on the roadway, but will not solve any of the existing pavement deficiencies.

Based on our review of alternatives, Coler & Colantonio, Inc. recommends a roadway reconstruction program that includes pavement reclamation, full depth reconstruction, and placement of 4 inches of pavement. Pavement reclamation is a process that involves pulverizing the existing pavement and blending it into the sub-base material. Since the roadway sub-base is generally sandy, blending 1-1.5 inch stone aggregate into the soil during the reclamation process will help stabilize the pavement section. In the areas where groundwater levels are about two feet below the pavement surface and subsurface soils are unsuitable, Coler & Colantoino, Inc. recommends utilizing full depth reconstruction with the addition of geotextile fabric and stone below the sub-base to provide roadway stabilization. These two techniques provide some flexibility to regrade sections of roadway to improve surface runoff. We also recommend continuing to use the "country drainage" approach, where possible, by allowing surface runoff to permeate into the ground along the shoulders naturally. This will reduce the need for drainage structures and maintain the character of the island. The naturally sandy soil conditions on the island are favorable for this technique. Installing catch basins and leaching pits at roadway low points where soil conditions are favorable will help eliminate puddling on the roadway surface. Drainage solutions for ponding areas that occur at low elevations will need to be explored in greater detail during the final design of the roadways.