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A year from now Oyster Harbors will have 'old looking' (not shiny) brand new roads built to last, says OHPOA President Bill O'Keeffe.

Roads, Roads, Roads ...

In the summer of 2003, Oyster Harbors Services contracted with the engineering firm of Coler & Colantonio to perform an assessment of the general roadway conditions and problem areas and to provide recommended improvements.

Ahering to a strict schedule designed to have no conflict with island access during the peak summer season, the roads project was completed in the spring of 2005. Below are links to the various pages which will give you the history of the project as well as photographs of the work as it progressed. Our desire is to keep all of the property owners and club members fully informed on the project progress and events.

Color coded map showing the scope of work

Color coded map showing work completed

Project Summary